Starter App
Platforms and apps tend to have a set of common features and functionality. The Starter App is designed to cut the overall cost and time needed to launch a new platform. The Starter App does this by providing a ready built platform that provides many common features that new projects can be built on top of.
The Starter App consists of a set of apps and backend server support. All the features and functionality of the apps are fully functional, bug free and production ready. The Starter App gives new projects a solid base and allows us to focus on the features and functionality that make your project unique.
The Starter App is designed to be modular. Most new projects do not need all the features and functionality provided by the Starter App. When starting a new project we enable the features and functionallity needed by your project and disable/hide the rest of the features.
The Platform supports gig work, Uber, Airbnb, Rover Style platforms through a Super Admin App.
The Super Admin also supports white label platforms where your customer uses the Admin App to interact with their customers using the End User App.
Base Apps and Platforms
End User App
- Web App (responsive)
- Native iOS app
- Native Android App
Admin App
- Web App (responsive)
Super Admin App
- Web App (responsive)
Backend server built on amazon web services AWS
Supported Feature & Functionality
Extensive Control Over Branding
Color Schemes
Light & Dark Mode
Verbiage and text
Images, Icons and Logos

The branding for every page in the End User, Admin, and Super Admin Apps is customizable.
The Admin provides users the ability to toggle features on and off, customize color schemes with support for light and dark modes, customize text settings and verbiage, set menu item orders, and much more.
All images, logos and icons are customizable. There is a built in icon library users can select icons from. Users can also upload their own icons.

User Support
The user support module contains the following pages:
- Sign in
- Sign up
- Forgot password
- Reset password
- Profiles (all apps)
- User management (web admin)
The Project Starter Kit has full user support built in. Users are able to securely log into the End User, Admin and Super Admin Apps using OAuth2. Admins are able to administer users and use messaging to communicate to their end users and other admin users.

Standard Pages
The Starter App has the following standard pages including:
- Privacy policy
- About us
- Contact us
- Terms and conditions
The Starter App gives you the option of requiring users to accept your “Privacy Policy” and “Terms and Conditions” before using the app. The “About Us” page allows you to share information about your company and the “Contact Us’ allows you to share your contact information with the end users including your social media accounts.

Standard Page Editors
The Starter App provides Rich Text Editors for the “Privacy Policy” and “Terms and Conditions” pages. Additionally there are custom editors to control the content of the “Contact Us” and “About Us” pages. The Admin App provides editors for the content that displays in the standard pages in the End User App. The Super Admin provides editors for the content that displays in the standard pages contained in the Admin App.

Messaging and Chat
The messaging and chat module allows users to send messages to other app users. In the End User Apps users can communicate with each other and admin users. Admin users can communicate with other admin users and their end users.
The messaging feature is designed to look and feel like the text messaging apps users are familiar with using on their mobile phones. There is support for messaging between two users and group communications.

Push Notifications
The Starter App supports iOS, Android and Web push notifications. In the End User Apps users are able to turn notifications on and off and select which category of notifications they would like to recieve notifications for. The End User Apps allows users to view a list of previously sent notifications and view notification details. In the Admin App users are able to view a list of previous sent notifications and scheduled notifications. The admin users are able to view, edit and delete notifications and are able to create new notifications that can be sent out immediately or scheduled to be sent in the future.

FAQ and Help
The End User Apps have an FAQ and Help section that consist of a list of categories, a list of Help/FAQ titles by subcategory and a detail view for a single FAQ/Help topic.
The detail view consists of one of these options: rich text, documents such as pdf or word doc, images or videos.
The Admin App manages the FAQ/Help content that displays in the End User Apps.
The Super Admin App manages the FAQ/Help content that displayys in the Admin App.

Learning Management System (LMS)
The Starter App includes a Learning Management System (LMS) module.
The Admin App manages the LMS content that displays in the End User Apps.
The Super Admin App manages the LMS content that displays in the Admin App.

Content Management System (CMS)
The Starter App includes a Content Management System (CMS) module. The CMS can be used to support training material and other digital libraries. The CMS supports: rich text, documents such as pdf or word doc, images and videos.
The Admin App manages the CMS content that displays in the End User Apps.
The Super Admin App manages the CMS content that displays in the Admin App.

Customer Relationship Management
The Starter App includes a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module. The CRM can be used to manage address books, contacts, and manage business information including location data.
The End User App can optionally manage their own CRM content.
The Admin App can optionally manage the CRM content that displays in the End User Apps.
The Super Admin App can optionally manage the CRM content that displays in the Admin App.

Billing, Subscriptions and In-App Purchases
The Starter App has built in support with stripe, iOS in-app purchases and Android in-app purchases. The Starter App supports subscription models both for the End User App and the Admin App where there is a Super Admin.

The Starter App includes a standard app usage dashboard and revenue dashboard.

The Starter App includes a feedback module. This includes pages where your users can leave feedback about the app including reporting any issues they may find in the app. This feedback is displayed in the Admin App where admin users can review the feedback and communicate with the end user about the feedback they provided.

Rating System
The Starter App includes a rating system module. In the Admin App you can configure the apps to prompt thet end user to rate your app after a certain time period or number of app launches. In the Admin App you can set the threshold of how many stars are considered a “good” rating. If they give you a good rating the platform will prompt them to review your app on the App Stores, Google Reviews and Facebook. If the user leaves a bad review the apps will then prompt the user to enter in the hreason for a bad review.
The reviews show up in the Admin App giving admin users the ability to review them and optionally communicate with users based on their rating.

Shopping Cart
The Starter App includes a shopping module. The platform integrates with Shopify.
The end user apps will support shopping functionality including:
- Category view
- Search view
- List & grid view of items by subcategory
- Item detail view
- Cart view
- Payment screen
- Billing & shipping addresses
- Save card support
- Cart review screen
- Purchase successful view
- Purchase billing history