Why today's mobile app developer has m-commerce on the mind

35913236 - online payment using smartphone and credit cardIf there is one simple fact in this world, it is that everyone is on their mobile phones these days. The numbers show that people who access business and entertainment on a mobile device is only set to increase as we move deeper into the 21st Century. This is why hiring a capable mobile app developer should be at the top of your 2018 list of priorities. Face it, the first quarter is already behind us. Will you be ready to compete in the mobile realm as we move further into the year?

Mobile app developers are in a constant race to stay on top of current trends in the world of technology and design. The mobile app developers here at Clever Coding adapt their skills to a changing industry on a near-constant basis. New innovations lead to varying demands from clients, especially as demographics shift.

With the technology landscape continually changing, you may be asking yourself the critical question: “Where should my company invest in new technology?” Figuring out where to place your hard-earned company cash is no small question. Yet, if you look closer, it may be easier to answer that question than you think.

Mobile app developers know the answer lies in m-commerce

Sure, you have heard of e-commerce. It’s booming the world over, with brick-and-mortar stores feeling the pain. But there is another consumer buying sector that is also booming, that of mobile commerce, or m-commerce. According to data compiled by BigCommerce, consumers shopping on mobile devices now accounts for over 31% of overall online sales.

Mobile conversion rates – or the number of people who complete a purchase on a mobile device – continue to rise. Digital wallets and one-page checkouts have made this proposition far easier for consumers to digest. As mobile app developers improve app interfaces and coding practices, m-commerce purchases continue to rise.

We aren’t saying the desktop is dead, but it is starting to decline. Take the recent Black Friday Thanksgiving tradition in the United States for example. Online sales posted a whopping $5.03 billion, with mobile taking up $2 billion of that chunk.

So, with all the talk surrounding m-commerce, what specifically does this have to do with the need for a mobile app developer? Consider how many businesses (maybe yours?) will feel the pressure to get into the storefront app game. More than a couple, we’d imagine.

App development carves out a larger niche through m-commerce

Whether it be through the Apple App Store, Amazon, or Android, the needs of retailers to get in on the m-commerce game increases by the day. If you are operating a retailer, whether brick-and-mortar or one simply relying on regular web development e-commerce technologies, taking note of – and preparing for – the coming m-commerce revolution could mean the life or death of your business.

Fortunately, when you partner with a company like Clever Coding, you can count on our mobile app developers having the skills necessary to support developing an m-commerce app that will ensure an excellent purchase conversion rate, no matter what you are selling. The programming languages required to create a great m-commerce application are the bread-and-butter of what our mobile app developers do.

We have built our company on a solid foundation of technological and app development excellence. As you look to move your storefront into the future and achieve sales regardless of the channel your targeted consumer is finding you, we can help you develop, maintain, and market the perfect solution. Don’t leave your bottom line to chance by winding up with an app that leaves your consumers dazed and confused. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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