The Mobile Explosion

The mobile industry continues to grow exponentially.  Android, iOS, even Windows Phone, you name it, is experiencing rapid penetration worldwide.  With increased penetration comes ever-growing revenue for firms to capture.  Since 2010, global mobile app revenue has grown at a rate of over 107%.  This year's revenues alone are expected to reach an unprecedented 25 billion.  By 2016 revenue is projected to reach the huge sum of 74 billion, effectively tripling in size over the next three years (Gartner).  The explosion of mobile is only beginning and will become completely pervasive by the end of the decade. Given the amazing potential mobile offers to increase revenues and reach new customers, firms are investing in mobile application development in increasing numbers.  Many companies are supplementing their existing services with mobile applications or offering entirely new products that take advantage of the new platform.  That being said, mobile development can be time consuming and expensive.  Forward thinking firms will need to do proper due-diligence to determine what kind of mobile services, if any, will best serve their clients.  Here at Clever Coding we have identified several important roles that a quality app can serve in a company's day-to-day business:
  1. Complimentary Service
  2. Subscription Service
  3. Mobile Storefront
  4. News Outlet
  5. Employee Productivity Tool
  6. Management Analytics
  It's likely that your firm could use a mobile app or two to enhance revenues, customer experience, market outreach or in-house operations.  If you are considering a mobile app for your business contact us for consultation on the best mobile strategy for your business.  

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