Smart Phone Apps for Medical Tests
I have recently had the opportunity to work for Joel Ehrenkranz and the i-calQ team, developing and engineering the proto-type software of their android apps that diagnose and measure hemoglobin and TSH content. It was a thrilling experience. This kind of cutting edge technology, software, and ideas, could help lead a revolution of easy access to cheap and effective means of medical help. People may be wary of it at first, but this is certainly the way of the future. The app works effectively and accurately, taking images of your blood, and measuring certain aspects to give you the results immediately. The ways this kind of technology could be useful is uncountable, and immeasurable. From children in Africa, to families in China and India, to the American on their morning commute in the subway, this mobile technology could help millions, if not billions of people manage their health.
KSL recently did a spot on it,
in which they too can see the impact potential of this technology.